Smart application error Fixer Pro download

You can clean Windows, Programs and Browser Histories
Software Informer has blocked this file as it may be harmful:
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Scanned for viruses on Jul 30, 2024. 39 of 79 antivirus programs marked the program as suspicious. See the report.

Alternative software

Software Informer
Software Informer

Software Informer met à jour vos programmes et vos drivers et vous offre de nouvelles applications.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO
Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Uninstall Windows programs and remove leftover files and registry keys.

PC Clean Maestro
PC Clean Maestro

Scan your system to detect and delete junk and unused files with this program.

Smart System Care
Smart System Care

Windows PC optimization tool to clean junk files and fix OS errors.

Smart Rundll32 Exe Fixer Pro
Smart Rundll32 Exe Fixer Pro

The program finds errors related to your registry and fixes them.